Adventure Medical Adventure Dog Workin Kit
For the hunting buddy or ranching dog who's always faithful, on trips near home or far afield. The Workin' Dog Kit has what you need to keep your companion safe, and the information you need to deal with serious canine medical emergencies when far from veterinary care. Group size: 1. Trip duration: Multiple days. Disposable skin stapler for serious wounds.|QuikClot gauze & hemostat forceps to stop bleeding.|LED headlamp to illuminate the night when administering first aid to your furry friend.|SOL emergency blanket for shock & hypothermia.|Emergency cold pack to reduce swelling of sprains and strains.|10 cc irrigation syringe to effectively clean wounds.|Splinter/tick remover to safely remove items from dog's paws.|Triangular bandage to safely administer first aid.|Cohesive elastic bandage to easily wrap injuries.|Contains loads of useful items such as: skin stapler, gauze, headlamp, emergency blanket, cold pack, wound cleaning syringe, splinter/tick remover, bandages, and more.
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